Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 6 Homework

Dr. Alice Christie

I thought Dr. Christie's site to be very helpful, informative, and inspiring. I think what I took the most from was her Last Lecture. I thought the lecture was heart felt and motivational. I learned a lot from her experiences. From this lecture I'll take great advice. She was remembering and quoting what it was that she had learned from very important people in her life and I learned from her experiences not to take anything for granted that we can learn a great deal from others if we take the time to.

After reading this lecture, I plan to take things from the people in my life and learn as much as I can from them. As a student I learn from my professors. As an employee I learn from my colleagues I learn how to do my job correctly and from my family I learn love. I plan to be a life long learner and because of this I'm excited to become an educator.

i Tunes U

I learned about a site from another students blog that I follow,it was a wonderful site and I'm glad that I visited her blog. The site is There was all this helpful information for students and also for teachers. As a student, this is another way to learn. It provides course materials for colleges from all over the world. iTunesU is just another tool or another door to the life long education that we all seek to obtain. We hold the key in our hands and we should definitely take advantage. It's our key and our door all we have to do is put the key in and unlock the door to a whole new way of becoming learners.

For teachers, I'm sure once you get passed the fear of learning to use the technology, iTunesU is a helpful tool designed for your benefit. This site is something I would definitely use as a teacher. It would take away a lot of stress for the teacher as well as the student if there where anything that was ever missed this site could be the link. The educator can and should use this technology for his/her advantage.


I first visited and read about the study that they did on the use of iPods in academics. They used this idea for several courses. The findings were beneficial they ranged from convenience to student engagement and interest. With most everything there are pros and cons. The problems ranged from difficulties in obtaining licenses to lack of knowledge of iPod functionality. I personally think that it can be beneficial. We have iTunesU so we should take advantage in every way we can.

I think that it's an awesome resource and technology should be generated into every classroom in every way possible. I found a site that the title read Transforming Teaching Through Technology. was an excellent site. The site is packed with links to other sites and is very useful. I think education is headed in the right direction and technology is just another great tool to help us achieve the goal of excellence.

Tech Literate Teacher

Dr. Strange is an awesome educator with a lot of perception on the subject. His Wiki is just another tool for his students to become life long learners and again we should take advantage of everything. We should act as though we have stumbled upon something that no one else is aware of. My post can be found in the discussions tab at the top.


  1. Hi Sheree,
    Thank you for leaving me a comment on my blog post. I appreciate it. I am in a new class now and here is the link for it:
    I hope to write more limerick poems. My new teacher is Miss MacKinlay.
    Have a nice day.

    From Daley

  2. I agree with you on Dr. Christie's website. She speaks of learning from your past experiences to turn your future experiences into a positive. Listen and learn from your peers. It can be a big help. I also agree with you on the ipod blog going on at Duke University, it helps students stay up to date with their assignments without bugging anyone else for them.
